
Spreadsheet Basics

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Saved by Mrs Miller
on April 20, 2015 at 10:48:04 am


Learning about Excel


Activity 1: Learning about spreadsheets> Use the video to help identify important vocabulary.

Click here for the video  NAVIGATING EXCEL


Activity 2:  Navigating through a spreadsheet>  Use the link below to learn about what a spreadsheet looks like and certain parts of a spreadsheet.    THE EXCEL INTERFACE


Activity 3:  Now you will learn the basics of creating a spread sheet by typing in cells, copy/pasting to cells, and filling cells.  Watch the video below.  **please note, any new vocabulary terms that you hear, add them to your vocabulary worksheet.

Click here for the video:  CELL BASICS


Activity 4: Use the web site to find any other missing terms from your vocabulary list.> SPREADSHEET BASICS


Activity 5: Label the parts of a spreadsheet on the back of your vocabulary list



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